
1.Death and Funerals
a. Do you have any international friends or a host family? If so, how would you express your condolences to them if a family member died?

I have a host family in Australia. When their grandfather died, I sent a letter of sympathy to them. I forgot what i wrote, but i remember that I didn't know how to write to them then. I said "i am very sorry for that" at first, and i wrote some memories of him which i spent with him.

b. Have you ever been to a foreign funeral?
No, I don't.

2.The language of clothes.
a.Why are Japanese designer label crazy? Why is what you wear so important?
I think the appearence is important when we meet people. The clothes are one of a important thing. The people who wear nice and fashionable clothes attract me, and I think Japanese are interested in the fashion. I like to enjoy wearing various clothes.

b.What does “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” mean to you?
We don't know whether the book is good or bad until we read the book to the end.

6 件のコメント:

  1. You think the appearence is important. The people who wear nice and fashionable clothes attract me. I agree that. But I think content is more important than appearance. And I hope judge contents when I meet people.

  2. Yes, appearence is very important, and takes a improtant part in first impression. Right, Japanese are interested in fashion, and that's whether good thing, isn't it :)

  3. Hi chiken!
    I think so too, content is more important than appearence. But Japanese sometime decide appearence.
    I should stop that people judge appearence

  4. Hello, chiken!
    I like to enjoy wearing various clothes,too!
    let's talking about our clothes and recently fashion!!

  5. Hi,
    I agree with you!
    I think Japanese, especially young girl are interested in fashion!
    For example, Hollywood actress also pay attention to japanese fashion, so the quality of japanese fashion is good.

  6. hi.I think japanese guy and girls wear almost same sometimes.
    and its apearance of their condition..
