
Buddhism and My life

・i say "itadakimasu" before i eat meals. We have to appreciate lots of things and people because we can live thanks for lots of lives like animals, fish, plants. To say "itadakimasu" is very important way to appreciate lots of things.

・It is not daily life but when someone die, people gather at the person's house or the meeting place before the funeral and they drink and talk about memories of the person. The family wake up till the funeral and they have to keep burning incenses.

・There is a buddhist altar(bustudan) in my grandmother's house. She sits front of it and chants a Buddhist sutra every morning and evening for hotokesama and my grandfather and she gives the rice or some food for the hotokesama. When i go to her house i always sit front of it and worship.

・My grand motehr has the time to appreciates to hotokesama everyday becouse she can live. She told me that it is very important time so when i go to her house i appreciate everyday and say thank you to hotokesama.

・We have obon in summer. We go to graves to worship our ancestors in obon.

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